Road Dog Supply Co.

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Fire Sale Preorder Extended!

This just in…..

We’ll be extending the Fire Sale 7” and merch bundle preorder!!

No, I promise you that this isn’t some sort of clever marketing strategy to drive urgency. Simply a case of me being the last to know about change of plans lol

But we’re beyond stoked to be continuing to offer these bundles, especially due to the overwhelming response from ya’ll so far!

A surprising amount of work went/goes into putting all this together and, at times, it was nerve racking worrying about what the response would be.

But, seeing your orders come in and even having the pleasure of talking to some of you has truly made it worth all the effort and hours that’s gone into this from the band and I.

I honestly can’t thank you all enough for supporting us and giving us the ability to do what we love doing.

We have a ton of exciting ideas for upcoming plans and would LOVE to hear any you have too. There would be no us without U, so hit us up any time and say hi or let us know if you have any questions or ideas for anything you’d like to see.

Hope to hear from you soon!

With immense gratitude,

  • S

Fire Sale Preorder extended indefinitely!